Restoration of a Northwoods Boathouse

Northwoods boathouse renovation

Our Northwoods Boathouse

When we purchased our vacation home we knew the first project we had to tackle was stabilizing the boathouse.   The cabin was built in the mid-1950’s and the boathouse was raised not long after the construction of the cabin.  The boathouse was definitely a major bonus on our list of desired cabin features and certainly something we weren’t expecting.  The state of Wisconsin no longer allows the construction of over-the-water boathouses.  Even renovation of the existing structure was tricky.  Supper clubs and boat houses….you know you are in Wisconsin.

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Renovating our Wisconsin Northwoods Boathouse

My approach to a given project is normally more do-it-yourself but in the case of our boathouse, professional experience and skill was definitely a pre-requisite to success.  Our boathouse renovation benefited from professional support to help to manage the permitting with the city, county, and Department of Natural Resources.  Also, several of the local experts advised that the boat house was not salvageable, so, our initial research was extensive. It is nearly impossible to tackle or coordinate these efforts when you work full-time and live in a different state.  Our contractor did a fantastic job negotiating the requisite permits, to complete the project within allowed budgetary guidelines.  He also successfully refurbished the delicate structure, preventing it from falling into the lake (as many of the experts had warned).

Freeze-thaw cycles , over the years, had really done a number on the poor old boathouse.  It was significantly off of level and appeared so unstable the we were afraid to let anyone walk on the roof deck.  The plan called for the contractors to detach the back wall, which was anchored on-shore, while everything else was supported by pilings in the lake bed.  Once we detached the back wall , the sand around the pilings was air jetted to sink the boathouse and re-create level.  We used the trees in the area as anchors to stabilize the boat house as it was repaired.  After leveling, we installed bracing to minimize movement and shifting of the structure.

stabilizing northwoods boathouse during renovation

The scary before. This was a great time to be in another state. I would have held my breath for hours on end.

structural renovation of northwoods boathouse

Strengthened back wall and braces and side wall.

Working with DNR regulations

One of the main constraints that we faced in this project was that the The Department of Natural Resources limited the amount of money which we could invest in an over-the-water boathouse renovation.  A reworking of existing material, wherever possible, was key to our success as only a small percentage of the appraised value was allowed for the renovation budget. This enabled us to allocate the allowed money for the critical materials and labor.  We removed the entry door and garage doors and painted them off-site.  Money saved!  We also salvaged the railing, adding additional brackets to ensure it would not collapse with weight against it.  Finally we refurbished all original siding, windows and trim on-site.  Once the spring thaw arrived, we coordinate the delivery of all doors and applied the finishing touch…..a fresh coat of red stain to match the original color.    Per the recommendations of our expert, we obtained a separate permit for all accompanying work that was accomplished on shore so that this did not impact our over-the-water expenditures.

northwoods boathouse during renovation

Several dock pilings had to be replaced. Repainted garage doors look great!

catching bass in the Northwoods

Renovated Northwoods Boathouse

Here are the after pictures.  The boathouse looks fantastic and the flags add a nice finishing touch.  I’m in the market for some fun flags to rotate for special occasions.  First on the list…. a pirate flag.  Then maybe a mermaid flag.  The rooftop deck is a wonderful place to unwind after a busy day on and in the water.  Fishing off the deck is pretty good too.  Nice bass!  This project was such a great investment in our family.  I can’t tell you how many hours we have spent on the dock and boathouse telling stories and spending great family time together.  No electronics, just fresh air, family, and friends.  Life is good!

P. S. We have also found that the bats love our boathouse and they do a great job of keeping the mosquitos away, at night. We do have to take care in using light up bobbers, though.


To keep our Northwoods boathouse in good condition for years to come, preventative maintenance is on our annual calendar. First and foremost, we invested in a de-icer/water circulator system which helps to keep the water surrounding the pilings open, for the majority of the winter. The Aerator is on a timer and we have contracted a local landscaper to come every other week to make fine adjustments to the timer to keep the water open all winter long. We also have plans to re-jet the pilings and level the boat house every fifth year so that we do not jeopardize this Blue Lake gem for the future.

renovated northwoods boathouse after

The renovated boathouse looks fantastic!

renovated northwoods boathouse roof view after

The best place to relax after a busy day of fishing, swimming, and kayaking. Paradise!

view from the boathouse roof at sunset
snorkeling and fishing from boathouse dock

The boathouse dock sees an endless stream of activities. While fishing is one of the popular, snorkeling, lounging with cold beers or cocktails and napping occur often.

The boathouse looks great in winter too. We used to skate around the boathouse before we installed the aerator. We still skate, but have to go further out on the lake where the ice is thicker.

Northwoods overwater boathouse renovation